Thursday, October 28, 2010

Amorgos Island Real Estate in Amorgos Greece-Houses Villas Hotels For Sale in Amorgos Island

Amorgos island real estate in Amorgos Greece. Houses villas hotels for sale in Amorgos island. Within this article one can find what to consider, and the steps one needs to take when purchasing a property on Amorgos island.
1. Find first a property that is of your liking via the internet or even better after a couple of visits to Amorgos island. Keep a record of all the properties you visited in Amorgos Greece. Prices of Amorgos island real estate will vary greatly. One will also note a big gap in the city evaluation, and the market value usually the city evaluation being lower up to five times, however in some case the city evaluation will be greater than the market value, so don't get taken for a ride.
2. Pay special attention when purchasing land, on Amorgos island in Greece.
If one decides to purchase land and wants to build, the building laws in Greece change frequently therefore you will also have to hire an engineer or a topographer who will inform you about the specific piece of real estate in Amorgos Greece. A lawyer and a notary cannot help you out in this step. If they do you will be getting wrong input, and might end up with some Amorgos island real estate which is not usable.
3. The costs when purchasing Amorgos island real estate are as follows. Calculated on the city evaluation or the price put on the deed of sale, which ever is greater, the notary will charge you about 2% the lawyer from 1.5% to 2%, and the government transfer taxes today are about 13%, however the government tax rates concerning real estate in Amorgos Greece change from time to time. Engineer costs for land purchasing may vary from 300 to 1000 euros. Also if a real estate agent in involved the agreed fees must be paid or else action may be taken against you down the line.
4. After the job is done from the lawyer and notary ask from the Amorgos island real estate registry the 4 certificates concerning your real estate in Amorgos Greece. These should be a certificate of ownership, one that states there are no existing loans or leans, a certificate that there are no claims private or government against your Amorgos island real estate, and a certificate of transcription or in simple words that your deed is actually registered at the Amorgos island real estate registry.
5. Don't forget that after all of the above you will be required to submit income tax for the next fiscal year. In the income tax form you submit you will be required to prove where you got the funds to purchase real estate in Amorgos island in Greece. For more details don't forget to ask you lawyer, before purchasing your favorite piece of real estate in Amorgos island. Be careful with this step, you don't want any unexpected surprises down the line. If you can't prove where you got the funds, the purchase value on the deed of sale as well as the notary fees will be calculated as an income and you will be taxed on this amount in an escalating form, from 0% to 43% about, which is the same scale as one has to pay for Greek income tax or income tax in Greece.
This article is designed to help people interested in purchasing Amorgos island real estate.

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